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Any statement can be bound to change at any time. 
By commissioning me, you accept the Terms of Service.


- Make sure to add all the important details you want for your drawing before I start. Fill out the order form

thoroughly and add the necessary details of your character.
- I have the right to decline your commission.
- You’re commissioning a digital artwork, not a physical one

- Prices are subject to change


- Currency accepted is in USD or Philippine Peso and can be paid through Paypal, Ko-fi, and G-cash.

-You may either pay 100% upfront, or pay 50% upfront and the remaining balance upon completion of the drawing.
-Contact details must only be shared through DMs or emails. And may not be shared with others.
-You can pay once I confirm your commission. 


- I, the artist, have the right to use the copyrighted artwork.
            >Promote myself within any place or site.
            >To display it anywhere to my liking.
            >Use it in a portfolio.
- You, as the commissioner, hold the right to:
            >Use the artwork for PERSONAL USE, unless stated otherwise.
            >Print the artwork for personal use. Such as personal stickers, charms, anything that isn't for selling.
            >Reposting, using as profile picture, decoration etc. is allowed, as long as credit is given.
            >All in all just make sure to credit/link back to any of my social media accs.)
- My art isn’t for commercial use. That means you can’t sell my art as stickers, charms, or merchandise of your own.
-Using it for youtube, twitch or any platforms when you’re ad supported or crowdfunded isn’t allowed as it is counted as commercial use.
- You are not allowed to trace, edit, or modify my artwork. Neither are you allowed to take credit for it.


IV. Cancellation and Refunds

- The time to finish the artwork varies from 2-4 weeks, depending on current situation.
- You will be shown a draft sketch so that you can make necessary changes or suggestions.
- After I finally finish the artwork, I will send you a watermarked version and then you can complete the payment. Unless you already paid the full amount upfront. Thus I will send your final version. 

-Any major changes comes with an extra charge. Such as outfit change, outfit addition, or anything that makes me have to redraw it completely.  Any minor changes are allowed to be made and are free of charge. Such as colouring/marking mistakes.

-You can requests for updates and follow ups at certain period only, please consider that I am also doing other stuff. Twice a week will do.

-You’ll receive a full resolution of the drawing with a small watermark that doesn’t destroy the work

- Please inform me if you don't want the artwork to be posted.


- Cancelling a commission once I started it will result in a 50% refund. But cancelling before I started gets a full refund.


- If I, on the other hand, can not start the commission. You will recieve a full refund.


- Notice firsthand if you want to cancel before doing anything with paypal.


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